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Job Openings

Job Openings

Welcome to the community job openings page. Listings are free for IDRS members and will remain public for 1 year from the date posted. Return to the main page to submit a listing or manage your current listings.

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Assistant/Associate Professor of Oboe - University of North Carolina School of the Arts


The University of North Carolina School of the Arts seeks an outstanding oboist to recruit, teach, and mentor a studio of highly qualified oboe majors, teach related coursework, and help the institution continue to proactively engage with a constantly evolving profession.

Additional Details:

Description of Responsibilities and Duties
- Teach weekly lessons and studio class, oboe and woodwind courses required by the curricula, as well as additional teaching responsibilities based on secondary area(s) of expertise
- Recruit outstanding oboe majors at the high school, undergraduate, and graduate levels
- Participate in faculty performances and maintain an active artistic career
- Serve on School of Music and UNCSA committees, and engage in campus and community service activity as appropriate
- Other teaching/duties as assigned by the Dean


Deadline to Apply:


Job Contact:

Stephanie Patterson

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