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IDRS Code of Regulations

The Code of Regulations provides the fundamental and established rules governing the conduct and business of IDRS. The Articles of our Code of Regulations establish objectives and purposes, powers of the Board of Directors, and membership policies.

Finance Transparency

As a non-profit organization registered in the United States, IDRS is required to file its financial position through Form 990 each year as a matter of public record. You may view the annual Tax Forms 990 at any time from anywhere in the world. Please note: there can be a significant time delay between when the IDRS files Form 990 and when the US Internal Revenue Service releases the records.

IDRS Legal Terms

Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The International Double Reed Society (IDRS) is committed to celebrating diversity, equity, and inclusion in the worldwide double reed community through performance and educational opportunities, grants, and ensuring representation that reflects the richness of our multi-faceted membership.

Statement on Accessibility on the IDRS website

We aim for our website to be accessible to all IDRS members, regardless of the physical, situational, and/or socioeconomic barriers they may face. If you encounter an accessibility issue with our website, please contact

Learn More About IDRS

Learn More About IDRS

The International Double Reed Society (IDRS) is a member-based organization made up of professional double reed players, amateurs, hobbyists, university/college instructors, music teachers, institutions, instrument manufacturers, double reed product retailers, reed makers, and enthusiasts.