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Kristin Leitterman | Marie Grandval and her works for oboe and English horn

Marie Grandval and her works for oboe and English horn

Marie-Félicie-Clémence de Grandval (1828–1907) also known as Vicomtesse de Grandval was a well-known composer in France during the nineteenth century. She studied with well-known musicians such as Saint-Saëns and Chopin, but because of her stature in life she had to publish many of her works under pseudonyms. She was the first winner of the Prix Rossini in 1881 for her oratorio La fill de Jaïre, but after her death she became nearly lost to history. Her output includes sacred music, operas, orchestral music, chamber music, and a large number of songs. Her most performed compositions are for oboe and English horn, including her Oboe Concerto and Quarte Pièces for English horn and Piano. This lecture recital will present an overview of Grandval’s life, her works for oboe and English horn, and a performance of her Lamento et Scherzo for oboe and piano and her Quatre Pièces pour cor anglais et piano.

Lamento et Scherzo – Marie-Clémence de Grandval (1828–1907)

Quatre Pièces pour Cor Anglais et Piano – Marie-Clémence de Grandval (1828–1907)
I. Lamento
II. Valse
III. Andante espressivo
IV. Final

Dr. Lauren Schack-Clark, piano
