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Roberta Benjamim | Cantos da minha casa – Songs of my home or Corners of my house
Roberta Benjamim
Corners of my house
Songs of my home or Corners of my house

In Portuguese the word "Canto" can mean a point, a corner, or even the location of an address, and also a melody or set of melodies sung.

In view of the current situation of isolation in our homes, these various meanings came together in this
performance of songs from my land, Brazilian pieces for oboe solo, recorded in a corner of my house.

1 -Improviso (1974)- Osvaldo Lacerda (1927-2011)

Intermezzo 1 - Bachianas Brasileiras N.4 (Oh mana deixa eu ir) - Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959)

2 - Ponteio e Dança (1983)- José Alberto Kaplan (1935-2009)

Intermezzo 2 - Roda de amigos - O melancólico - Guerra-Peixe (1914-1993)

3 - Fantasia Sul América (1983)- Cláudio Santoro (1919-1989)

Intermezzo 3 - Suíte Vila Rica - Valsa - Camargo Guarnieri (1907-1993)

4- O Canto do Cisne Negro - Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959)

Intermezzo 4 - Bachianas Brasileiras N.7 - Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959)

5 - Amoroso - Felino/Wascily Simões

Piano: Beatriz Alessio
Video Production: Roberta Benjamim
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