Ji Yeon Noh - First Prize Winner - Fernand Gillet–Hugo Fox Competition (oboe) 2019 Excerpt 2019
IDRS Video - Nicholas Daniel, oboe - Handel

IDRS Video - Alex Klein, oboe Etudes pour Hautbois Gilles Silvestrini (b. 1961)
IDRS Video - Jose Antonio Masmano, oboe Mark Dupere conducting the 2017 !DRS Festival Orchestra
IDRS Video - Christian Schmidtt, oboe - Kromer Concerto for Oboe

IDRS Video - Peter Cooper, oboe

IDRS Video - Gordon Hunt, oboe • Gabriel Sanchez, piano - Berkeley

IDRS Video: Emily Pailthorpe, oboe - Patterson

Ji Yeon Noh - First Prize Winner - Fernand Gillet–Hugo Fox Competition (oboe) 2019 Excerpt 2019

IDRS Video - Nicholas Daniel, oboe - Handel

IDRS Video - Alex Klein, oboe Etudes pour Hautbois Gilles Silvestrini (b. 1961)

IDRS Video - Jose Antonio Masmano, oboe Mark Dupere conducting the 2017 !DRS Festival Orchestra

IDRS Video - Christian Schmidtt, oboe - Kromer Concerto for Oboe

IDRS Video - Peter Cooper, oboe

IDRS Video - Gordon Hunt, oboe • Gabriel Sanchez, piano - Berkeley

IDRS Video: Emily Pailthorpe, oboe - Patterson