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Reed Quintets of the Americas
Anna Bradford, oboe/english horn; Celine Ferro, clarinet; Bennett Parsons, saxophone; Wolcott Humphrey, bass clarinet; Natalie Zemba, bassoon
This dynamic program of living composers commissioned by Kalliope takes listeners on a journey across the Americas. Beginning with a world premiere by accomplished Canadian composer Mathieu Lussier, the program travels southward to the United States with works by Becky Turro, Ian Wiese and Zach Gulaboff Davis. Jenni Brandon’s gorgeous Wildflower Quintet, an aural depiction of a Texas wildflower reserve, prepares a jaunt across the US southern border into Arturo Marquez’s Danzon no. 5, the first arrangement of this famous Mexican work for double reeds. Our journey concludes in South America, with two monumental reed quintet works by Daniel Cueto’s. Amaru, a work inspired by an ancient Peruvian deity, was premiered in summer 2020 and was so well received that we programmed it for over half our concerts. The program concludes with a preview of Daniel Cueto's new reed quintet Cinco Momentos Peruanos. Recordings of existing works available at
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