Message from the President:
Change in leadership
Dear IDRS membership,
I am writing to you all today to announce a change in the leadership of IDRS. Last week Benjamin Coelho resigned as Vice President. According to our Code of Regulations, midterm vacancies in IDRS leadership may be filled by special vote of the Board of Directors for officers to hold positions for the remainder of time in the term. On Sunday March 26, 2023, the Board of Directors elected Jacqueline Wilson as Benjamin’s successor as Vice President of IDRS. She holds this position as of Monday, March 27, 2023.

Jacqueline Wilson
Benjamin will continue as Competition Coordinator and Chair of the Honorary Membership Committee until after the IDRS 2023 Conference in Thailand. In August 2023, Jacqueline will take on these responsibilities as the new Vice President.
We thank Benjamin for all his work and service, firstly as Secretary and then as Vice President, simultaneously serving on various committees. He has helped enormously in many aspects with the organization and development of the Society during the past 5 years. We are truly grateful for his passion and commitment to the growth and enrichment of the international double reed community. We wish him the very best with all the projects and adventures he has ahead of him.
We welcome Jacqueline to the Board of Directors and look forward to working with her in this new position.
With best wishes to you all,
Sarah Roper
* If you would like to understand more about the Board of Directors and the officer nomination and selection process, please consult our Code of Regulations on the website: https://assets.idrs.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/IDRS-Code-of-Regulations.pdf
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