2021 Norma Hooks Young Artist Competition for Bassoon
Full Guidelines and Repertoire
July 26-31, 2021 | Online
Online applications begin January 1, 2021 at idrs.org/competitions
Online applications begin January 1, 2021 at idrs.org/competitions
IDRS sponsors two international competitions for oboe and bassoon that take place each year during its annual conference. The Fernand Gillet-Hugo Fox Competition is for bassoonists and oboists who have not reached their 31st birthday by the date of the Final Round of the competition and the Norma Hooks Young Artist Competition is for those who have not reached their 22nd birthday by the date of the Final Round of the competition. Both competitions alternate each year between oboe and bassoon.
The International Double Reed Society is pleased to announce the fifteenth annual performance competition for young artists during the 2021 IDRS Conference. The competition is dedicated to the memory of Norma Hooks, IDRS honorary member and lifeblood of our organization with her tireless dedication to our membership, annual conferences, and Executive Committee meetings.
First Prize for the 2021 competition is a $6000 US cash award. The Second Prize is a $4000 US cash award. The third prize is a $2000 US cash award.
Bassoonists who have not reached their 22nd birthday by the date of the Final Round of the com-petition (July 28, 2021) are eligible to enter, but no previous first prizewinner of the IDRS Young Artist Competition is eligible to participate. All entrants must be current members of the IDRS.
3. PRELIMINARY ROUND – Competition entries will be accepted starting on January 1, 2021 through an online application process. All entrants must submit an online application, and an application fee of $40 US payable by credit card (VISA and MasterCard only). All entrants must electronically submit a video recording of the entire Preliminary Stage repertoire list below, performed with piano accompaniment where applicable. Movements may be recorded separately but must be combined into one single video file if they belong to the same piece. Any evidence of editing within movements will result in disqualification. Instructions on applying and uploading video recordings will be available starting on January 1, 2021 at: https://idrs.org/competitions
After careful consideration, for the 2021 IDRS Competitions (Norma Hooks Young Artist Competition for Bassoon and Fernand Gillet – Hugo Fox for Oboe) we have decided to eliminate the accompaniment component of the preliminary round.
After careful consideration of the accompaniment requirements for the 2021 Norma Hooks Young Artist Competition (bassoon) and Fernand Gillet-Hugo Fox Competition (oboe), we have decided to eliminate the accompaniment requirement for the preliminary round.
What does this mean?
All recordings submitted with the preliminary round application should be recorded with no keyboard accompaniment.
Why was this decided?
The situation with the global pandemic has been complicated, hard to predict, and ever developing. We understand the logistical and safety concerns many musicians might face if accompaniment was required for the competitions during the global pandemic. Therefore, after significant discussion, we believe it is most equitable for all applicants to record without accompaniment for the preliminary round. This will not affect the final round performances in July, which are expected to be performed with accompaniment.
Is accompaniment optional for the preliminary round? May I submit my recording with accompaniment?
No. In order to be fair and equitable, all submissions must not include accompaniment for the preliminary round.
What if I already recorded it with accompaniment?
We apologize for the inconvenience, but all recordings must be without accompaniment.
Will accompaniment be required for the final round in July?
At this time, we anticipate requiring accompaniment for the final round to take place in July in Colorado. We will continue to monitor the situation with the global pandemic and make decisions as things progress.
4. FINAL ROUND – Up to five finalists will be selected by the Preliminary Round judges with the results announced by May 1, 2021.
The Final Round will be heard by a distinguished panel of judges. The judges may select portions of the Final Round repertoire for performance at the competition. Performance with accompaniment is required for this final round. Contestants will arrange for their own accompanist. The virtual concert will be published on July 30, 2021. The decision of the judges is final. The judges may elect to award fewer prizes than outlined above or no prizes.
Jennifer Auerbach, Chair
IDRS Norma Hooks Young Artist Competition for Bassoon
Bocal Majority
420 N. Coit Road, Suite 2015
Richardson, TX 75080
Telephone: 214-377-8278
E-mail: auerbach@idrs.org
Edward Craig,
Membership Coordinator
P.O. Box 490
Riderwood, MD 21139
Phone: 1-410-871-0658
Fax: 1-866-647-7911,
Email: craig@idrs.org
To be considered, all application materials must be submitted on or before March 15, 2021.
All applicants and contestants shall perform from an edition of the published printed music. Performing from illegally printed copies of any form will immediately disqualify that contestant. Legal copyright for any composition shall be determined and enforced based on the copyright laws of the United States of America, regardless of place of purchase. The use of e-tablets will be allowed only when the contestant can show (by having the original music or a receipt of purchase thereof) that they have previously obtained the published printed music prior to scanning it into the tablet.
Eugène Bourdeau
Premier Solo – Entire Piece (any edition)
Alyssa Morris
Mathematics – Movements 1 and 2: Geometry and Trigonometry (TrevCo)
Alyssa Morris
Mathematics – Movements 1 and 2: Geometry and Trigonometry (TrevCo)
Johann Fasch
Sonata in C – Movements 1, 2, and 3 (any edition) (without repeats)
Allen Gimbel
Sonatina – all movements (Subito Music)