Reflexões Sobre a Composição de Músicas de Compositores(as) Brasileiros(as) nos Cursos de Oboé das Instituições de Ensino Superior do Brasil de 2016 a 2021 [Reflections on the Composition of Songs by Brazilian Composers in the Oboe Courses of Higher Education Institutions in Brazil from 2016 to 2021] October 21, 2022
The Role of the Contrabassoon: An Examination of the Development of the Contrabassoon Through Orchestra Excerpts October 20, 2022
Problemas Músculo-Esqueléticos em Jovens Fagotistas [Musculoskeletal Problems in Young Bassoonists] October 20, 2022
The Influence of Brazilian Choro on Selected Solo Bassoon Works of Francisco Mignone and Selected Chamber Works of Heitor Villa-Lobos October 20, 2022
Análise de Parâmetros Acústicos e Psicoacústicos da Sonoridade do Oboé Associados aos Diferentes Estilos de Raspados de Palheta [Analysis of Acoustic and Psychoacoustic Parameters of the Oboe Sound Associated with Different Reed Scraping Styles] September 10, 2022
Duo para Oboé e Fagote de Heitor Villa-Lobos: Um Estudo Analítico para uma Proposta Interpretativa para o Oboé [Duo for Oboe and Bassoon by Heitor Villa-Lobos: An Analytical Study for an Interpretative Proposal for the Oboe] September 10, 2022
A Critical Edition of the 48 Studies for Oboe, Op. 31 by Franz Wilhelm Ferling (1796-1874), Based on Original Historical Evidence and Viewed Within the Context of the Evolution of Didactic Material for Oboe, with Particular Reference to Nineteenth-Century Performing Practices September 10, 2022