Arundo donax or Bust? A Preliminary Investigation Into Alternative Natural Materials for Oboe Reeds August 30, 2024
Repertoire for a Swedish Bassoon Virtuoso: Approaching Early Nineteenth-Century Works Composed for Frans Preumayr with an Original Grenser & Wiesner Bassoon January 8, 2023
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Bassoon Tutors and Their Published Contributions to Bassoon Pedagogy May 15, 2022
From Dionysus to Die Walküre: The Ancient Greek Aulos as a Key to Wagner’s Writing for the Oboe and English Horn January 27, 2021
The Woodwind Manufacture of Guillaume and Frédéric Triebert: A Re-Evaluation of Their Dating and Methods June 1, 2020
Возникновение Фагота и его Развитие в Эпоху Барокко [The Emergence of the Bassoon and its Development in the Baroque Era] May 29, 2020