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Aug 28

Letter of Thanks to the 2022 IDRS Baroque Band Participants

Sarah Roper

To all who were involved in the IDRS Baroque Band during the 2022 IDRS
Conference in Boulder:

Thank you to all who took part in the IDRS Baroque Band this year.

Your participation, passion and enthusiasm confirmed to us all that this project
is a very important part of the society and that the band is destined to remain as
a key activity and part of IDRS conferences. Your ceremonial music before the
evening concerts was fresh and inspiring.

I am sorry that I was unable to visit a rehearsal or take part in the band. I was
unfortunately overwhelmed with commitments during the conference but I
very much hope to participate in 2023.

I am immensely grateful to the IDRS Baroque Band Coordinators, Geoffrey
Burgess and Jeanine Krause for all their help and to Stephanie Corwin and Meg
Owens for their assistance. I trust that the band and historical instruments
department in IDRS will continue to move forward and grow.

With much appreciation,

Sarah Roper
IDRS President